02 Maggio 2024

Post dedicati alla 1^ Ronde Liburna Asfalto

Inserisci commenti, richieste o suggerimenti inerenti all´organizzazione della Coppa Liburna Ronde Asfalto del 22/23 gennaio 2011.
24-01-2011, 18:09
Come ispettore delle sicurezza e D.G Agg avrei da ringraziare un sacco di persone enti istituzione ecc . per aver permesso permesso e aiutato L´ACI e l´ACI SPORT a far rivivere questa gara che ci ha emozionato tutti nel passato , il nostro timore ritornando dopo tanti anni ad organizzare un evento nella nostra città era l´impatto con il pubblico , con una sola P.S.Bene posso affermare che dopo ,tante gare in cui ho fatto il Direttore di gara ,il nostro pubblico ha dimostrato grande maturità e passione . GRAZIE GRAZIE !!! . Approfitto per fare un nringraziamento particolare anche al giornale La Nazione (che per fortuna non legge nessunoa Livorno ) per il bellissimo articolo a titolo "Segregati in casa per colpa del Rally " invito tutti gli appassionati a una sollevazione popolare contro chi solo perchè ha la penna scrive non sapendo di che parla ( a firma Cinzia Gorla )
Marco Fiorillo
RE: grazie
24-01-2011, 18:31
segreghiamo chi l ha scritto!!!!!!!!
RE: grazie
25-01-2011, 21:58
è sempre la stessa storia ogni volta che viene organizzato un evento se ne parla parla e riparla in bene poi.....bisogna leggere e sentire tutte ste cavolate.Io personalmente ho vissuto sta due giorni di rally per supporto ai miei amici che correvano e per passione...quindi non rovinateci anche questo evento bellissimo w il rally w la liburna.ps cmq seondo a castelnuovo misericordia non avevano mai visto tutta quella gente soprattutto ai bar e al circolo arci emoticons ahah.gif emoticons clap.gif emoticons clap.gif
29-01-2011, 14:42
segregati in casa???? saranno morti di fame!!!! ma via!!!!! organizzazione perfetta e pubblico affollava la ps come tappa da mondiale. W LA LIBURNA!!!!!!
RE: grazie
26-12-2011, 05:23
Got it! Thanks a lot again for hliepng me out!
RE: grazie
26-12-2011, 16:22
Kudos to you! I hadn´t tohught of that!
RE: grazie
26-12-2011, 21:12
Great coommn sense here. Wish I´d thought of that.
RE: grazie
26-12-2011, 21:46
I much prefer ifnoamrtive articles like this to that high brow literature.
RE: grazie
26-12-2011, 21:55
This is way more helpful than anything else I´ve lkooed at.
RE: grazie
30-01-2012, 11:24
Going to put this aitrlce to good use now.
RE: grazie
30-01-2012, 23:36
That´s going to make tnhigs a lot easier from here on out.
RE: grazie
31-01-2012, 05:45
Very true! Makes a cghane to see someone spell it out like that. :)
RE: grazie
31-01-2012, 14:25
Very valid, pithy, sccuinct, and on point. WD.
RE: grazie
02-02-2012, 04:46
You´re the one with the barnis here. I´m watching for your posts.
RE: grazie
05-03-2012, 07:30
ROFL! I look at that to-do list and just laugh because I´ve done so many of those aardley . But I´m not going to count them towards this, because well, I should be exempt from winning anyway, lol
RE: grazie
05-03-2012, 09:17
"Si no tiene descodificador surfire1 el apagf3n, el apagf3n viene, 3 dedas para el apagf3n, 2 horas, 1 minuto, corra, que le pilla el apagf3n. Puede quedarse sin televisif3n, la sef1al se va, nos la quitan, vivire1 en el prece1mbrico y sus amigos y sus hijos y sus nietos se reire1n de usted. Solo le queda vivir en el monte con las cabras, porque ya no sabre1 lo faltimo que se lleva, los maravillosos productos que anuncian en los me1s de treinta canales a disposicif3n del consumidor. Ni siquiera sabre1 si ya es o no primavera. Compre una tele de 32 pulgadas o quedare1 fuera de la sociedad, ased, de la noche a la maf1ana. Compre para ver la mejor calidad de imagen, perfectamente achatada. Se lo llevan avisando tres af1os y usted no atiende a razones. Aproveche sus impuestos. Si no, tendre1 que pagar a un te9cnico, ir a reuniones de vecinos o subir a la azotea a pasar fredo. Pero todo esto antes de que venga el apagf3n, porque despue9s no hay nada, un vacedo negruzco en su receptor...ased que tiene que ser antes, no un mes, una semana, o un deda despue9s, no, antes, ANTES. Porque si la poblacif3n se quedara un deda sin tele perderedamos miles de millones, casi los que nos hemos gastado avise1ndola, y seredamos el hazmerreir de Europa, el telf3n de acero analf3gico. Perderemos la ocasif3n de ver que9 ocurre si lo compre1semos una semana despue9s del apagf3n. Pero eso es cosa de hippies, econazis, frikis, y perdedores. No sea usted un perdedor...puede serlo, pero lejos de aqued."Algo que proviene del miedo, no puede ser bueno.
RE: grazie
05-03-2012, 13:15
todavia no acabo de entender como si la sef1al aganolica ya no existe no se ve nada de nada. y los demas canales de la tdt perfectos. esta todo bien instalado, el problema es de giralda tv. ke no nos engaf1en. o por lo menos ke nos constenten desde giralda tv, porke no contesta nadie? por algo sera no?
RE: grazie
07-03-2012, 06:53
Hola soy vecino se lsanucar la mayor y no puedo sintonizarlo y lo he probado hasta manualmente. Ante cuando emitiais en analogico tampoco lo podia ver.bfQue puedo hacer?. Un saludo.
RE: grazie
07-03-2012, 07:12
Yo tambien vivo en saaculnr la mayor y no puedo sintonizaros.Tambien lo he probado manualmente. El resto de canales los veo sin problemas a traves de la tdt. El resto de mis vecinos tampoco lo sintonizan ..bfes que aqui no llega la sef1al?bf?.
RE: grazie
26-05-2012, 07:11
Muy buenasQuereda feaiticlr en general a Giralda TV porque nunca pense9 que pudiera existir una televisif3n local de tanta calidad como la vuestra. No he visto ni una sola novela ni ningfan programa de estos que, con verlos, dan ganas de cambiar. Eso sed, me gustareda que emitieran algunas series, pero bueno, se9 que este1n empezando y que los informativos sean me1s plurales.Por otra parte, como dicen en la entrada del blog, va a ser espectacular la emisif3n de la Semana Santa en HD , me pregunto, bfvan a emitirla este af1o? bfpor df3nde? (ya que ahora mismo emiten en SD y no creo que puedan disponer de me1s espacio para un canal HD)Un saludo y gracias
RE: grazie
14-09-2012, 15:25
Don´t be hard on yourself for using a box! Why not? It´s easy and tasets great! Here´s a tip that I learned from a local cake decorator who uses boxed mixes for wedding cakes.....Mix according to the box instructions only use 7up instead of water and throw in a scoop of vanilla ice cream while mixing. SERIOUSLY! You won´t believe how great it tasets.Love your blog.
RE: grazie
14-09-2012, 16:40
love your cupcakes! i just made ranboiw cupcakes for the first time last week - my two little ones loved the colors! and the best part is that your two littlest kiddos got to help mom in the kitchen - good memories!
04-08-2013, 21:59
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05-08-2013, 01:03
I downloaded Easy Restaurant Menu Manager for WordPress. Uploaded it (because I don´t read inturtcsions very well) as a zip file through the WP interface. Started inputting menu items. Never tried to see it in a page. Realized I was going to need the upgrade, bought the upgrade, installed (per inturtcsions this time), found the shortcode in the edit-menu page as instructed, inserted code into a page (pasted). No has. Nothing. Blank page, over and over. BTW I did disable/enable the plugin, I have a single correctly named folder, etc. In the words of Ross Perot, That dog just won´t hunt. Please help.
05-08-2013, 04:35
Hi Im in the process of bldiiung a website for a restaurant, I´m wanting to use your plugin as apposed to the one the theme came with as it offers more flexibility , I want to change the CSS style colour font etc, i understand i can do this with a custom CSS file or direct from the pliugin, However without being a CSS expert how can i refer the CSS code to change the headings of the menu and the CSS code for the descriptions?can i have some sample script ? once i know how to identify each element of the menu text i should be ok to change it from here. regards
05-08-2013, 21:28
Fracking releases huge veomuls of gas which serve zero purpose trapped underground. In itself, fracking will not solve an energy shortage but it can be a bridge while society decides it wants to devolve to shortages and rationing and constrained economic growth or power its needs with the latest generation of nuclear power plants. One needs to keep in mind that to date not one person has died in the U.S. nuclear power industry from radiation poisoning in almost 60 years of operation. In fact more workers died last week in conventional power plants even if that number were only one. Our solution to cheap energy needs and dwindling fossil fuel reserves has been with us since Connecticut Yankee opened in Haddam Ct. in 1959 as the 1st viable commercial nuclear power plant. Sadly we have allowed a movie with a fictional technical story line (The China Syndrome) to destroy the nuclear power capacity of the United States while looking to windmills and solar panels as our energy future. That´s equivalent to throwing away our computers and putting our business decisions back in the hands of those who use an abacus because a lightning strike might cause a pc to blow up. All the crabs might come out of the ocean at the same time also but the probability of it happening is not something we should plan our beachfront resorts around. Nuclear power plants emit next to zero emissions, they have variable capacities and can go from standby to maximum generating capacity in the time it takes the turbines to reach operating speed. They would free up billions of barrels of oil to be used for other purposes than home heating and energy generation. The drop in fossil fuel prices resulting from a switch to nuclear as primary energy producer would fuel an increase in consumer spending and economic growth that would remove millions from poverty. American designed and built nuclear power plants have a safety record that beats the finest medical operating suites. That the plant damaged by the earthquake in Japan did not kill thousands is testament to the safety of U.S. designed reactors keeping in mind even that design is not the best or even used any longer here in the U.S. The zero growth nuts of the left cry that if we allow economic growth to continue unabated the resultant prosperity will use up all of the earths resources and we will end up on a sterile overpopulated planet. This is nonsense! In every country that climbs out of poverty the rate of population growth slows to almost a static level and food resources become less scarce, health care improves and infant deaths drop. We need as a society to close our ears to the strident noise of the radical environmentalists that place the human race on the same level of importance as disease carrying mosquito. Human beings are the apex species of our planet and we need not apologize for seeking to improve our lives and standard of living. Making nuclear power our primary energy supplier will allow us to achieve unlimited economic growth while severely reducing environmental pollution from fossil fuels and stopping the silly diversion of thousands of acres of land to windmills and solar panels. We need to expose the anti-human agenda of the left for what it really is. Nothing more that a plan to impose cradle to grave government controls over human lives by creating artificial shortages of energy.
RE: grazie
06-02-2014, 12:37
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RE: grazie
11-02-2014, 12:07
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RE: grazie
11-02-2014, 12:08
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RE: grazie
06-03-2014, 05:49
Let´s take a look at QuotesChimp of the early conflicts in the war to reduce auto insurance premiums: California´s Proposition 103.
RE: grazie
06-03-2014, 07:03
I am really displeased with the ordinance of the insurance QuotesChimp in our state. It looks to me that power and the cash of the insurance industry gives disproportionate power in the halls of legislature and before the state insurance section to them.
RE: grazie
06-03-2014, 07:04
A s things stand right now, regulators permit insurers to charge too much for several of their commodities. Quotes Chimp method to fight this indignation is to demand that your state legislature create the political office of a Public Advocate.
RE: grazie
06-03-2014, 07:04
As with most kinds of insurance, QuotesChimp can lower your premiums by increasing the risk of loss that you will absorb yourself. In other words, you can save more now, but if you have a claim, you will have to pay more out of your own pocket later. This tradeoff can be done in several ways.

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